Prospective candidates identify the ESCP ITEP Pathway and complete the program-specific course options listed in each of the Areas I - VI of the Liberal Studies Pathway.
Prospective candidates following the Education Specialist Credential Program ITEP Pathway apply after completing 60 units, or during the Fall semester of their Junior year to complete the program in 4 years. Applications are also accepted in later semesters for candidates not pursuing a 4 year degree completion. Applications are due by posted semester deadlines. Pre-program advisement and materials are available in the Teacher Preparation Advising Center (EED-67) and on the TPAC website. Applicants must:
- Submit Education Specialist Credential Program application by the posted application deadline.
- Attain a grade point average of at least 2.67 in all baccalaureate course work or a grade point average of at least 2.75 in the last 60 semester or 90 quarter units attempted and Submission of CSULB unofficial transcript showing Liberal Studies major.
- . Complete and pass an interview with program faculty.
- Submit two recommendation forms that speak to the candidate’s potential as a future educator
- Submit a 1-2-page, double spaced personal statement describing (1) How did your interest in special education begin? (2) What experiences, training, and talents do you bring to the area of special education? (3) What are your short term and long-term career goals?
- Submit a negative tuberculosis skin test taken within the last four years or chest X-ray taken within the last eight years. Tuberculosis clearance must be valid through student teaching.
- Submit verification of meeting the Basic Skills Requirement.
- Attach a copy of a valid CTC Clearance (Certification of Clearance, Child Development Permit or Activity Supervisor Permit)
- Successful completion of pre-requisite courses EDSP 410 and EDSP 454 with a grade of B or higher.
- Demonstrate ability to communicate orally in English at the level required of public school teachers by demonstration of English production skills through an oral interview with program faculty.
- Demonstrate character and personality traits that satisfy the standards of the teaching profession and suitable aptitude for teaching in public schools through the application documentation and personal interview. Candidates must continue to demonstrate appropriate character and personality traits through completion of the program.
Please visit the program website for the program application form and list of required materials to be submitted.
Once admitted, candidates are required to attend Mandatory Advisement to develop their Program Plan and obtain permits to enroll in ESCP courses.
Program Requirements
The Education Specialist Credential ITEP Pathway is comprised of 120 units and can be completed in 4 years.
The program can be offered in a self-paced or cohort model.
Authorizations in Mild Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) and/or Extensive Support Needs (ESN)
When prospective candidates apply to the credential program, they choose either the MMSN and/or the ESN authorization pathway.
Mild to Moderate Support Needs includes providing specially designed instruction to access grade level California Content Standards in the Least Restrictive Environment. The education specialist provides instruction and support in one or more of the following domains: academics, communication, gross/fine motor, social-emotional, behavioral, vocational, and learning environment access skills. The supports may also include health, movement and sensory support. Mild to Moderate Support Needs practices may include lower student to educator ratios.
Extensive Support Needs include providing specially designed instruction to access grade level California Content Standards in the Least Restrictive Environment. The education specialist provides intensive instruction and support in two or more of the following domains: academics, communication, gross/fine motor, social-emotional, behavioral, vocational and adaptive/daily living skills. The support also often includes health, movement and sensory support. Extensive Support Needs practices include lower student to educator ratios.
The Education Specialist Credential Program offers pathways leading to the California Preliminary Mild Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) or Extensive Support Needs (ESN) Education Specialist Credential. Candidates who are seeking a dual authorization in both MMSN and ESN can choose to complete an additional semester as a post baccalaureate student to earn a second credential.
Prospective candidates will meet the required coursework outlined in Areas 1 - VI in the Liberal Studies pathway, in addition to courses for the Education Specialist Credential. The following courses concurrently meet Liberal Studies Area I-IV requirements and credential requirements: EDSP 454, EDSP 410 , UDCP 400 , EDSP 518 , EDSP 558 , EDSP 534 .
Candidates will complete the following courses:
Pre-requisite Courses:
Core Courses
Student Teaching Courses
Candidates will select the student teaching course that matches their chosen authorization area (MMSN or ESN).
Mild Moderate Support Needs (MMSN) Authorization:
Extensive Support Needs (ESN) Authorization:
This makes a total of 33 credential units, which includes student teaching.
The total program units are 120 for the Bachelor of Arts (BA) + Education Specialist Credential.
To obtain the Education Specialist Preliminary Credential, candidates must meet Credential Completion Requirements as directed by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing and California State University, Long Beach.
Candidates in the Education Specialist Credential Program are required to complete 600 hours of clinical practice over the arc of the program. These hours are complete through a combination of fieldwork observations and experiences along with reflection activities. Clinical Fieldwork for the Education Specialist Credential Program is divided into three phases:
- Clinical 1: Candidates in the pre-requisite courses complete 50 hours of clinical 1 fieldwork.
- Clinical 2: Once admitted into the program, candidates will complete 150 hours of pre-student teaching/clinical 2 fieldwork.
- Clinical 3: Student Teaching requires a minimum of 400 hours.
Spanish BILA Add-In (Bilingual Authorization)
The Spanish BILA Add-in Authorization can be added to the Education Specialist Credential pathway, with the following additional requirements: EDEL 453S, CHLS 340, and CSET Spanish Subtest III.
For additional information related to professional licensure and certification related to the ESCP program, please see the Credential Center.