Admission Requirements:
The Acting, B.F.A. program accepts admission for Fall only. To be eligible for admission to the B.F.A. degree, applicants must demonstrate the following, prior to the semester for which the application is submitted:
Applicants must have met requirements for admission to the university as a freshman, or articulating transfer student with 60 completed units at a previous institution.
Students are admitted to the B.F.A. after completing the Major-Specific Admissions Requirements.
Applicants must earn a “C” or better, and a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the following suite of courses: THEA 103 , THEA 112 , THEA 114A , and THEA 116 . If students are enrolled in requirements at the time of the audition, they may audition with a signed Grade In-Progress form from the instructors of the in-progress courses.
Applicants must participate in an adjudicated audition with the Theatre Arts Department performance faculty.
Students may not apply after they have completed 90 units.
Students are allowed one (1) opportunity to audition/apply for the B.F.A. Decisions are final and there is no appeal process.
To remain in good standing in the BFA degree:
Each semester, B.F.A. in Acting students must maintain a 3.0 GPA in all performance and performance theory requirements (THEA 220A /THEA 220B , THEA 230A /THEA 230B , THEA 266A /THEA 266B , THEA 320A /THEA 320B , THEA 330A /THEA 330B , THEA 366A /THEA 366B , THEA 420 , THEA 430A /THEA 430B , THEA 466 ). Students dropping below a 3.0 GPA in performance and performance theory requirements, or receiving a grade of F in any performance and performance theory requirement, will be placed on administrative academic probation for the following semester. During the probationary semester, B.F.A. majors may not audition for mainstage productions or be involved with Theatre Threshold in any capacity. Following the probationary semester, students earning a GPA of 3.0 or above in performance and performance theory requirements will have their Mainstage and Threshold privileges reinstated, as long as no grade of F was earned in performance and performance theory requirements. Students who fall below a 3.0 GPA in performance and performance theory requirements in any two semesters, or earn grades of F in performance and performance theory requirements in any two semesters, will be removed from the B.F.A. in Acting program.
Progress will be closely monitored and discussed during BFA student evaluations, which take place at the end of every semester.
Admission to the B.A. degree will not guarantee admission into the B.F.A.