Feb 06, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Fees and Financial Aid

Schedule of Tuition and Fees, 2020-2021

The CSU makes every effort to keep student costs to a minimum. Tuition and fees listed in published schedules or student accounts may need to be increased when public funding is inadequate. Therefore, CSU reserves the right, even after initial payments are made, to increase or modify any listed tuition or fees. All listed fees, other than mandatory system-wide tuition, are subject to change without notice, until the date when instruction for a particular semester or quarter has begun. All CSU-listed tuition and fees should be regarded as estimates that are subject to change upon approval by the Board of Trustees, the chancellor or the presidents, as appropriate. Changes in mandatory system wide tuition will be made in accordance with the requirements of the Working Families Student Fee Transparency and Accountability Act (Sections 66028 through 66028.6 of the California Education Code).

The following reflects applicable system wide tuition and fees for both semester and quarter campuses. These rates are subject to change.

All Students

Application fee (nonrefundable), payable online at the time of application via credit card, e-check or PayPal: $70.

2020/21 Basic Tuition

Undergraduate Tuition Fee (per semester)

0 units to 6.0 units                                                                                                                                     $1,665.00

6.1 units or more                                                                                                                                       $2,871.00

Graduate/Post Baccalaureate Tuition Fee (per semester)

0 units to 6.0 units                                                                                                                                     $2,082.00

6.1 units or more                                                                                                                                       $3,588.00

Credential Program Tuition Fee (per semester)

0 units to 6.0 units                                                                                                                                     $1,932.00

6.1 units or more                                                                                                                                       $3,330.00

Other Mandatory Registration Fees (per semester)

Facilities Fee                                                                                                                                                    $5.00

Instructionally Related Activities Fee (IRA)                                                                                                    $25.00

Associated Students Inc. Fee                                                                                                                        $62.00

University Student Union Fee                                                                                                                      $201.00

Student ID Card                                                                                                                                               $5.00

Student Health Services Fee                                                                                                                         $75.00

Student Excellence Fund Fee                                                                                                                      $173.00

Undergraduate Total Resident Fees Per Semester

0 units to 6.0 units                                                                                                                                     $2,211.00

6.1 units or more                                                                                                                                       $3,417.00

Graduate/Post-Baccalaureate Total Resident Fees Per Semester+

0 units to 6.0 units                                                                                                                                     $2,628.00

6.1 units or more                                                                                                                                       $4,134.00

Credential Total Resident Fees Per Semester

0 units to 6.0 units                                                                                                                                     $2,478.00

6.1 units or more                                                                                                                                       $3,876.00

2020-21 Doctoral Tuition Fee, effective Fall 2018*

Doctor of Education                                                                                                                                   $5,919.00

Doctor of Physical Therapy                                                                                                                       $8,598.00

*Applicable term tuition applies for campuses with special terms, as determined by the campus. Total college year tuition cannot exceed the academic year plus summer term tuition. The summer term tuition for the education doctorate at quarter campuses is equal to the per semester tuition listed in the table. Total tuition for the education doctorate over the college year equals the per academic year tuition plus the per semester tuition for the summer term at all CSU campuses.

+ Second bachelors degrees are treated as graduate students and pay Graduate fees.

2020-21 Graduate Business Professional Fee

Charge Per Semester                                                                                                                                         $270.00

The Graduate Business Professional Fee is paid on a per unit basis in addition to basic tuition and campus fees for the following graduate business programs: Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Master of Science (M.S.) in Accountancy.

Nonresident Students (U.S. and Foreign)

Nonresident Tuition (in addition to basic tuition and systemwide fees charged all students) for all campuses:

Charge Per Semester                                                                                                                                        $396.00

The total nonresident tuition paid per term will be determined by the number of units taken.

Mandatory systemwide tuition is waived for those individuals who qualify for such exemption under the provisions of the California Education Code (see section on fee waivers).

Students are charged campus fees in addition to tuition and systemwide fees. Information on campus fees can be found by contacting the individual campus(es).

Student Involvement and Representation Fee (SIRF)

On January 28, 2015 the CSU Board of Trustees established a new voluntary student fee, the Student Involvement and Representation Fee, which goes into effect in the fall 2015 term. This fee is charged to all students unless they choose to opt out of the fee, which can be done via your student portal. The fee amount is $2 per fall and spring term, and is used to support the student leadership, involvement, governance, and advocacy programs managed by the California State Student Association (CSSA). For more information, visit www.csustudents.org/our-priorities/sirf/

Optional Fees (per semester)

The following represents rates per semester and are subject to change.

Motorcycle and Moped Parking (per semester) $30.00
Automobile Parking (per semester) $140.00

Other Fees and Charges (non‑refundable)

Late Registration $25.00
Application and Reapplication Fee $70.00
Diploma/Commencement Fee $45.00
Missed Deadline Fee $10.00
Dishonored Check and Echeck Charge $20.00
Disputed Credit Card Fee $20.00
Official Transcript Fee $12.00
Replacement of Student ID Card $5.00
Late Payment Fee $10.00
Enrollment Deposit $150.00
Installment Plan Fee $33.00
Refund Processing Fee $10.00

Parking Fee

Parking at CSULB is limited. Parking permits are required 24 hours a day, Monday through Sunday, and the vehicle code is enforced at all times. For additional information please go to www.csulb.edu/parking or contact the Parking Office at (562) 985-4146.

To request a partial or full refund, follow the instructions and complete the parking refund application. Refer to the Schedule of Classes for deadline information. There shall be no refund if such amount is less than $10.

There shall be no refund for:

  1. Daily and Short Term Parking Machines Special events.

  2. Fees paid by monthly payroll deductions.


Students enrolled as auditors, not for credit, are exempt from payment of the application fee, but must pay fees appropriate to the number of units taken.


For payment deadlines, refer to the Schedule of Classes. Payment must be received by the due date or the student’s registration request may be cancelled; postmarks are not accepted. Students who have not completed their registration before 12 days prior to the first day of instruction, must make payment within 24 hours of their registration.

Students are encouraged to make immediate payment to confirm their enrollment requests as classes fill quickly due to CSULB’s high enrollment.

Payment can be satisfied by cash, check, Echeck, credit card, Financial Aid deferments, actual Financial Aid awards, approved payment plans, other approved fee deferments, approved private scholarships, approved tuition waivers, or confirmed third party sponsors. Payments can be made in the following ways:

  • ECheck (self-service over the web at http://my.csulb.edu)
  • Credit Card
    • Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover credit cards may be used for payment of student tuition and fees but may be subject to a non-refundable credit card processing fee.
    • Payment can be made on the web at http://my.csulb.edu (Smart Pay charges a 2.75% service charge).
    • Payment of fees CANNOT be made if disputed credit card charges exist on your account. Contact Student Account Services at (562) 985-5471 (option 3) for further information.
  • Pay with Foreign Currency via Western Union
  • Check
    • In person at the Cashiers Windows, Brotman Hall 148
    • Mailed to the Cashiers, Brotman Hall 148, CSULB, 1250 Bellflower Blvd., Long Beach, CA 90840-0103
  • Cash
    • In person only at the Cashiers Window, Brotman Hall 148

Installment Payment Plan

The Installment Payment Plan is available to all eligible students who have sufficient funds to cover the State University Fee. A $33 non-refundable charge is assessed to defer the administrative costs of the program.

Refund of Tuition and Mandatory Fees, Including Nonresident Tuition

Regulations governing the refund of tuition and mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, for students enrolling at the California State University are included in Section 41802 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations. For purposes of the refund policy, mandatory fees are defined as those systemwide and campus fees that are required to be paid in order to enroll in state-supported academic programs at the CSU. Refunds of fees and tuition charges for self-support, special session and extended education programs or courses at the CSU are governed by a separate policy established by the university, available from the College of Professional and International Education.

In order to receive a full refund of tuition and mandatory fees, less an administrative charge established by the campus, including nonresident tuition, a student must cancel registration or drop all courses prior to the first day of instruction for the term. Information on procedures and deadlines for canceling registration and dropping classes is available in the Schedule of Classes.

For state-supported semesters, quarters and non-standard terms or courses of four weeks or more, a student who withdraws during the term in accordance with the university’s established procedures or drops all courses prior to the campus-designated drop period will receive a refund of tuition and mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, based on the portion of the term during which the student was enrolled. No student withdrawing after the 60 percent point in the term will be entitled to a refund of any mandatory fees or nonresident tuition.

A student who, within the campus designated drop period and in accordance with campus procedures, drops units resulting in a lower tuition and/or mandatory fee obligation shall be entitled to a refund of applicable tuition and mandatory fees less an administrative charge established by the campus.

For state-supported non-standard terms or courses of less than four weeks, no refunds of tuition and mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, will be made unless a student cancels registration or drops all classes, in accordance with the university’s established procedures and deadlines, prior to the first day of instruction for state-supported non-standard terms or courses or prior to the first meeting for courses of less than four weeks.

Students will also receive a refund of tuition and mandatory fees, including nonresident tuition, under the following circumstances:

  • The tuition and fees were assessed or collected in error;
  • The University canceled the course for which the tuition and fees were assessed or collected;
  • The University makes a delayed decision that the student was not eligible to enroll in the term for which tuition and mandatory fees were assessed and collected and the delayed decision was not due to incomplete or inaccurate information provided by the student; or
  • The student was activated for compulsory military service.

Students who are not entitled to a refund as described above may petition the university for a refund demonstrating exceptional circumstances and the chief financial officer of the university or designee may authorize a refund if he or she determines that the fees and tuition were not earned by the University.

Information concerning any aspect of the refund of fees may be obtained from the Student Account Services Office.

Refunds of Registration and Tuition Fees

Details regarding Registration and Tuition Fee Refunds may be found in the online Schedule of Classes. As this information may differ from one semester to another, students are advised to refer to the Schedule of Classes for that particular semester. Students must complete the class drop or withdrawal process prior to becoming eligible for any credit of fees. The amount to be refunded is determined by the effective withdrawal or drop date. In addition, any other outstanding financial obligations that the student may have incurred will be deducted from any credits due to the student before a refund is processed. Refund deadlines are reflected in the Schedule of Classes. A refund application must be filed. A $10.00 processing fee will be withheld from the refunds.

Details regarding refunds due to Medical Withdrawals can be found in the Schedule of Classes.

Further details regarding fees that may be refunded and the circumstances under which they may be refunded may be obtained by consulting the California Code of Regulations, Title V, in the following sections:

  • Registration and Tuition Fees - Section 41802
  • Parking Fees - Section 42201
  • Housing Fees - Section 42019

The following fees are non-refundable: Late Fees, Application Fees, Disputed Credit Card Fees, Dishonored Check Fees, Student I.D. Card Replacement Fees, Late Payment Fees.

Special Circumstances Refunds

Students who withdraw or drop in units after the deadlines detailed in the Schedule of Classes have passed, may appeal for a Special Circumstances Refund.

  1. Campus Variation
  2. Compulsory Military Service
  3. Death of Student
  4. Fees Collected in Error

Further information regarding Special Circumstances Refunds by calling the Student Account Services Office at (562) 985-5471 (option 3).

Determination of Residency for Tuition Purposes

University requirements for establishing residency for tuition purposes are independent from requirements for establishing residency for other purposes, such as for tax purposes, or other state or institutional residency. These regulations were promulgated not to determine whether a student is a resident or nonresident of California, but rather to determine whether a student qualifies to pay university fees at the in-state or out-of-state rate. A resident for tuition purposes is someone who meets the requirements set forth in the Uniform Student Residency Requirements. These laws governing residency for tuition purposes at the California State University are California Education Code sections 68000-68086, 68120-68133, and 89705-89707.5, and California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Subchapter 5, Article 4, sections 41900- 41915. This material can be viewed by accessing the California State University’s website at www.calstate.edu/GC/resources.shtmlhttp://www.calstate.edu/GC/resources.shtml

Each campus’s Admissions Office is responsible for determining the residency status of that campus’s new and returning students based, as applicable, on the student’s Application for Admission, Residency Questionnaire, and, as necessary, other information the student furnishes. A student who fails to provide sufficient information to establish resident status will be classified a nonresident.

Generally, establishing California residency for tuition purposes requires a combination of physical presence and intent to remain indefinitely in the State of California.  An adult who, at least 366 days prior to the residency determination date for the term in which resident status is sought, can demonstrate that both physical presence in the state combined with evidence of intent to remain in California indefinitely, may establish California residency for tuition purposes. A student under the age of 19 by the residency determination date derives residency from the parent(s) with whom the student resides or most recently resided. In addition, non-citizens establish residency in the same manner as citizens, unless precluded by the Immigration and Nationality Act from establishing domicile in the United States. 

Evidence demonstrating intent to remain in the State of California indefinitely may vary from case to case, but will include, and is not necessarily limited to, the absence of residential ties to any other state, California voter registration and history of actually voting in California elections, maintaining California vehicle registration and driver’s license, maintaining active California bank accounts, filing California income tax returns and listing a California address on federal tax returns, owning residential property or occupying or renting a residence where permanent belongings are kept, maintaining active memberships in California professional or social organizations, and maintaining a permanent military address and home of record in California.

Exceptions to the general residency requirements are contained in California Education Code sections 68070-68086 and California Code of Regulations, Title 5, Subchapter 5, Article 4, sections 41906- 41906.6, 41910. Whether an exception applies to a particular student can only be determined after the submission of an application for admission and, as necessary, additional supporting documentation. Because neither the campus nor the Chancellor’s Office staff may give legal advice, applicants are strongly urged to review the material for themselves and consult with a legal advisor.

Residency determination dates are set each term. They are:

Semester Term Campuses

Fall - September 20

Winter* - January 5

Spring - January 25

Summer - June 1


CalState TEACH operates on a trimester system. The residency determination dates for CalState TEACH are as follows:

Fall - September 20

Spring - January 5

Summer - June 1

A student classified as a nonresident for a prior term may seek reclassification in any subsequent term; however, reclassification requires that, in addition to satisfying the requirements of physical presence and intent to remain indefinitely in the state, the student must also satisfy the requirement of financial independence. A student seeking reclassification is required to complete a Residency Questionnaire that includes questions concerning financial independence. For additional information on intent, physical presence and financial independence requirements, refer to the www.calstate.edu/residency website.

Residency Appeals

A student classified as a nonresident may appeal a final campus decision within 30 days of notification by the campus. Appeals will be accepted only if at least one of the following criteria applies:

  1. The decisions was based on:

    1. a significant error of fact by the campus;

    2. a significant procedural error by the campus; or

    3. an incorrect application of the law which, if corrected would require that the student be reclassified as a California resident; and/or

  2. Significant new information, not previously known or available to the student, became available after the date of the campus decision classifying the student as a nonresident and based on the new information, the classification as a nonresident is incorrect.

Instructions to submit an appeal and additional information can be found at https://calstate.edu/residency .



Appeals via email, fax and U.S. mail will not be accepted. A student with a documented disability twho is requesting an accommodation to submit an appeal through the CalState website should contact Student Affairs and Enrollment Management.

The Chancellor’s Office will either decide the appeal or send the matter back to the campus for further review.

A student incorrectly classified as a resident or incorrectly granted an exception from nonresident tuition is subject to reclassification as a nonresident or withdrawal of the exception and subject to payment of nonresident tuition in arrears. If incorrect classification results from false or concealed facts, the student may also be subject to discipline pursuant to Section 41301 of Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations.  A student previously classified as a resident or previously granted an exception is required to immediately notify the Admissions Office if the student has reason to believe that the student no longer qualifies as a resident or no longer meets the criteria for an exception.

Changes may have been made in the rate of nonresident tuition and in the statutes and regulations governing residency for tuition purposes in California between the time this information is published and the relevant residency determination date. Students are urged to review the statutes and regulations stated above.

Exceptions from nonresident tuition are valid for one semester only. Students must reapply for an exemption each semester. Forms are located at the Office of Enrollment Services, Brotman Hall 101 and online via the Enrollment Services website.

Financial Obligations and Holds

University offices, including but not limited to the Library, may request that a student reimburse the University for an item that was not returned, returned late or damaged; or they may impose other charges. The requesting office may ask the Student Account Services Office to post this charge to the student’s account. Once posted it becomes an obligation to the student. Student Account Services will be able to provide general information concerning obligations. The student will be directed to the appropriate department in which to inquire about the obligation. Until all obligations are paid, or a written release from the originating office is received by the Student Account Services Office, a financial hold will be placed on academic records and the student is restricted from receiving University services, including but not limited to registration and grades. If the obligation continues to appear on the University reports, the student’s name will be submitted to the Franchise Tax Board. In this case, the student or former student, permanently loses the privilege of submitting checks as payment for fees or services. (Acceptable methods of payment are cash, cashiers’ check or money order). The State then has the authority to withhold amounts owed to the University from any tax refund to which the student may be entitled. To pay your balance due - Cashier’s Office, Brotman Hall 148. For information regarding the amount due call Student Account Services at (562) 985-5471 (option 3).

Dishonored Checks / EChecks

Students paying fees by personal check or Echeck are hereby given notice that if the unpaid check is returned dishonored to the University FOR ANY REASON, a $20.00 fee is charged to the student’s account. The University has no control whether the bank sends checks through a second time for clearing. The check should be honored upon first presentation to the bank.

In compliance with California Code of Regulations, Title V, Section 42381, students with dishonored checks may be dis-enrolled from classes and may be required to reapply for admission to the University. Also, future services including, but not limited to, grades, and future registration may be withheld.

Dishonored checks are monitored in the student’s record. Any student with a record of two (2) dishonored checks or EChecks will lose check writing privileges with the University and future payments by personal check will not be accepted.

Disputed Credit Card Charge

Students are strongly encouraged to contact Student Account Services at (562) 985-5471 (option 3), before disputing a credit card charge through the bank. Upon receipt of a disputed credit card charge, the amount of the credit card charge plus a $20.00 fee becomes the STUDENT’S financial obligation to the University. Payment of Registration fees with a credit card charge which has later been disputed may result in disenrollment and in withholding of future University services including, but not limited to, transcripts, grades, and future registration (California Code of Regulations, Title V, Section 42381). Students who are disenrolled may be required to reapply for admission to the University.

Fees and Debts Owed to the Institution

Should a student or former student fail to pay a fee or a debt owed to the institution, including tuition and student charges, the institution may “withhold permission to register, to use facilities for which a fee is authorized to be charged, to receive services, materials, food or merchandise or any combination of the above from any person owing a debt” until the debt is paid (see Title 5, California Code of Regulations, Sections 42380 and 42381).  Students with Veteran benefits including active duty, or dependent eligible for VA Chapter Benefits 31 and 33 will have their fees deferred while being certified by the VA and the campus Veterans Services office and no late fees shall be incurred.

Prospective students who register for courses offered by the university are obligated for the payment of charges and fees associated with registration for those courses. Failure to cancel registration in any course for an academic term prior to the first day of the academic term gives rise to an obligation to pay student charges and fees including any tuition for the reservation of space in the course.

The institution may withhold permission to register or other services offered by the institution from anyone owing fees or another debt to the institution. The institution may also report the debt to a credit bureau, offset the amount due against any future state tax refunds due the student, refer the debt to an outside collection agency and/or charge the student actual and reasonable collection costs, including reasonable attorney fees if litigation is necessary, in collecting any amount not paid when due. If a person believes he or she does not owe all or part of an asserted unpaid obligation, that person may contact Student Financial Services, (562) 985-5471 (option 3), on campus at Brotman Hall 155,  or online at https://www.csulb.edu/financial-management/student-financial-services or another office on campus to which the business office may refer the person, will review all pertinent information provided by the person and available to the campus and will advise the person of its conclusions.

The institution may not withhold an official transcript of grades by the institution from anyone owing fees or another debt to the institution (see Title 1.6C.7 (commencing with Section 1788.90) Part 4 of Division 3 of the Civil Code). The institution can still charge a fee for the issuance of the transcript pursuant to their published transcript processing fees.

Beach Central - Advising on Financial Aid and Scholarships

Beach Central is Enrollment Services’ One Stop for all questions students might have for Admissions, Student Records, and Financial Aid, including Scholarships.  

Beach Central Intake
Intake Windows, 1st Floor Courtyard, Brotman Hall

Beach Central Counseling Office
Suite 201, 2nd Floor, Brotman Hall

Directions to Join the Queue for Intake and Appointments: Students can access the virtual queue in multiples ways. Find out how to join the queue today. 

Financial Assistance Information

There are a variety of financial aid programs to assist students and families with meeting expenses. The following information concerning student financial assistance may be obtained from Beach Central,  Brotman Hall 1st Floor Courtyard, by calling (562) 985‑8403 or by visiting our Financial Aid website.

  1. A description of the federal, state, institutional, local, and private student financial assistance programs available to students who enroll at CSULB;
  2. For each aid program, a description of procedures and forms by which students apply for assistance, student eligibility requirements, criteria for selecting recipients from the group of eligible applicants, and criteria for determining the amount of a student’s award;
  3. A description of the rights and responsibilities of students receiving financial assistance, including federal Title IV student assistance programs, and the criteria for continued student eligibility under each program;
  4. The satisfactory academic progress standards that students must maintain for the purpose of receiving financial assistance and criteria by which a student who has failed to maintain satisfactory progress may reestablish eligibility for financial assistance;
  5. The method by which financial assistance disbursements will be made to students and the frequency of those disbursements;
  6. The way the school provides for Pell-eligible students to obtain or purchase required books and supplies by the seventh day of a payment period and how the student may opt out;
  7. The terms of any loan received as part of the student’s financial aid package, a sample loan repayment schedule, and the necessity for repaying loans;
  8. The general conditions and terms applicable to any employment provided as part of the student’s financial aid package;
  9. The terms and conditions of the loans students receive under the Direct Loan and Perkins Loan Programs;
  10. The exit counseling information the school provides and collects for student borrowers; and
  11. Contact information for ombuds offices available for disputes concerning federal, institutional and private loans.
  12. Information concerning the cost of attending California State University, Long Beach, including tuition and fees; the estimated costs of books and supplies; estimates of typical student room, board, and transportation costs; and, if requested, additional costs for specific programs is available at the Beach Central Office.
  13. Information concerning policies regarding the return of federal Title IV student assistance funds as required by regulations

Information concerning the refund policies of California State University, Long Beach for the return of unearned tuition and fees or other refundable portions of institutional charges is available at http://www.csulb.edu/student-records/tuition-and-fees.

Information concerning the refund policies of California State University, Long Beach for the return of unearned tuition and fees or other refundable portions of institutional charges is available from the Controller, Brotman Hall 365.

Information concerning policies regarding the return of federal Title IV student assistance funds as required by regulations is available from the Office of Financial Aid, Brotman Hall 101, (562) 985‑8403.

Information concerning athletic opportunities available to male and female students and the financial resources and personnel that CSULB dedicates to its men’s and women’s teams may be obtained from Cindy Masner, Sports Athletics and Recreation, 562-985-8527.

Information concerning teacher preparation programs at CSULB, including the pass rate on teacher certification examinations, may be obtained from either Elementary/ Special Education Admission Advising, Bob and Barbara Ellis Education Building - Room 54, (562) 985-9259, Elementary Education: http://www.ced.csulb.edu, Special Education: http://www.ced.csulb.edu/special-education, or Single Subject Office, Bob and Barbara Ellis Education Building - Room 53, (562) 985-7623, http://www.ced.csulb.edu/single-subject.

The Office of Financial Aid at CSULB provides both financial and advisory assistance to enable students to pursue a quality education. It administers funds made available by the federal and state governments, CSU and by private sources that are awarded to students who demonstrate a need to cover educational expenses.

Due to limited funding, meeting deadlines is critical. Students must file a financial aid application (FAFSA or CA Dream Act Application) between October 1 and March 2 for priority status. Financial aid files must be complete before financial need can be determined.

The federal Military Selective Service Act (the “Act”) requires most males residing in the United States to present themselves for registration with the Selective Service System within thirty days of their eighteenth birthday. Most males between the ages of 18 and 25 must be registered. Males born after December 31, 1959, may be required to submit a statement of compliance with the Act and regulations in order to receive any grant, loan, or work assistance under specified provisions of existing federal law. In California, students subject to the Act who fail to register are also ineligible to receive any need- based student grants funded by the state or a public post-secondary institution.

Selective Service registration forms are available at any U.S. Post Office, and many high schools have a staff member or teacher appointed as a Selective Service Registrar. Applicants for financial aid can also request that information provided on the FAFSA Application to be used to register them with the Selective Service. Information on the Selective Service System is available and the registration process may be initiated online at http://www.sss.gov.

Financial Aid Application

The appropriate financial aid application must be completed in order for a student to be considered for financial aid at CSULB:

  • Federal aid eligible students (citizens & eligible non-citizens) should complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) - at www.fafsa.ed.gov.
  • Students with an AB540 status, who are not eligible for federal aid, should complete the California Dream Act Application at www.dream.csac.ca.gov.

To ensure CSULB receives the application information, be sure to list CSULB and the School Code 001139 on the college release section. The application must be completed each year; students are encouraged to submit the application online; however, alternate submission instructions are provided on the above websites for those students who are unable to submit the application electronically.

In addition to the FAFSA / Dream Act Application, new applicants for Cal Grants (including entering freshmen) must submit a Cal Grant GPA Verification Form by the March 2nd Priority Filing deadline. Forms are available for download from the California Student Aid Commission website at www.csac.ca.gov.

Detailed information about CSULB financial aid programs is available from the Office of Financial Aid website (http://www.csulb.edu/financial-aid). The submission of various supporting documents may be required, including (but not limited to): (1) verification of all taxable and nontaxable income; (2) household information; (3) other clarifying information requested by the Office of Financial Aid. Upon receipt of all documentation, the applicant’s file is evaluated to determine eligibility for financial aid. A student who submits a financial aid application (and all requested supporting documents) is automatically considered for all aid programs for which he/she qualifies. Students expecting to receive a financial aid refund are required to enrolled in eRefund - CSULB’s electronic refund process (bank account information will be required).

Financial Aid Eligibility

To determine financial aid eligibility, a standard needs analysis system is used. This system allows the Office of Financial Aid to analyze family financial strength and ability to contribute toward the cost of attending CSULB. Subtracted from the student’s educational expenses to arrive at financial need are: the parental contribution, the applicant’s (and spouse’s) contribution from employment, savings, a portion of assets and other resources. As long as program funds permit, a “package” consisting of various types of funds (grants, loans, work‑study) is awarded to meet full need.

Award offers are made based on an assumption of full-time enrollment. Students enrolled at least half-time are eligible to receive financial aid, however, some awards may be prorated based on actual enrollment (half-time enrollment is considered to be 6 units for Undergraduate students; 4 units for Master’s Degree Students; 3 units for Doctoral students).

Notification of Awards

Upon determination of eligibility, new students are sent notice of a financial aid offer via email. Students are also notified if determined to be ineligible.

It is the goal of CSULB to package aid that fully meets the need of all qualified aid applicants. However, in the event that funds are insufficient, priority will be given to students whose financial aid files meet the first priority deadlines and who demonstrate the highest financial need.

Academic Responsibilities

Aid recipients must meet the following Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) requirements:

  1. The GPA Standard
  2. The Pace Standard
  3. The Maximum Time Frame Standard

Aid eligibility is governed by the number of units attempted and successfully completed with a passing grade (“D” or better). Students who do not satisfactorily complete enough of their attempted units, or who fail to meet the GPA standard, may be placed on financial aid warning or disqualified from receiving aid.

Most aid recipients enroll in a full‑time program of study carrying 12 undergraduate units or 8 units for Master’s Degree Students; 6 units for Doctoral students (500‑level courses or higher) per semester. To be considered an eligible financial aid applicant, students cannot have attempted more academic units than an established “unit limit.” At CSULB, the established unit limit is 150% of the published length of an academic program measured in units.

For complete information on CSULB’s Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy, please visit http://www.csulb.edu/financial-aid/understanding-satisfactory-academic-progress-sap.

Financial Responsibilities

If you are determined ineligible for financial aid, you are responsible for the payment of any University obligations you may have, including fees.

Students who are receiving financial aid funds and completely withdraw from all of their classes, may have to repay all or part of the award they received. Additional information regarding the Return of Title IV Aid and other funds is available from our website at http://www.csulb.edu/financial-aid/understanding-return-of-federal-aid-due-to-withdrawals-r2t4 

Campus Financial Aid Programs

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)

The SEOG is a federally funded grant program for undergraduate students with exceptional financial need.

Federal Work‑Study (FWS)

The work‑study program is a federally funded employment program to expand part‑time job opportunities for students with financial need. Students apply for jobs according to their skills, career and academic goals. Positions are available on campus or with organizations off campus.

Educational Opportunity Program Grants (EOP)

EOP grants are provided by the State of California for undergraduate students who are admitted to a CSU campus through the Educational Opportunity Program and demonstrate the same need criteria as federal financial aid. For further information, contact the EOP Admissions Office at (562) 985-4288 or www.csulb.edu/eop, or at the EOP Office at LA1-103.

State University Grant (FAFSA & Dream Act Applicants)

The State University Grant is funded by the State of California to assist students whose ability to attend post-secondary institutions is jeopardized due to financial constraints. The award covers up to the amount of the State Tuition Fee. Students must be residents of California, demonstrate financial need, and be assessed state tuition fees to be eligible for this award.

Please review the complete CSULB State University Grant Policy (including lifetime eligibility limitations) at http://www.csulb.edu/financial-aid/financial-aid-policies.

Graduate Research Fellowships

The Graduate Research Fellowship is funded by the California State University to graduate students who have experienced educational or economic disadvantages or hardships. Applicants must be California residents, demonstrate financial need and be accepted into or continuing in a full-time graduate program. Limited awards are made through a competitive process.

Scholarship Information

Scholarships are coordinated through the Enrollment Services Financial Aid Office and Beach Central .  For a listing of on- and off-campus scholarship programs, and to apply for CSULB scholarships through our Beach Scholarship application, visit our website at  www.csulb.edu/scholarships.  General scholarship inquiries may also be directed to our Beach Central Intake Windows, Brotman Hall, first floor courtyard, or via telephone at (562) 985-8403.  At CSULB, scholarships are awarded to qualified students based upon a variety of criteria, including academic achievement, leadership, financial need, specific areas of study and/or special talents and abilities. 

President’s Scholars’ Program

President’s Scholarships are the most prestigious merit-based scholarships awarded by CSULB and have helped make The Beach a university of choice for students throughout - and beyond - California. The idea behind the President’s Scholarships is to reward and foster academic excellence by making a very special scholarship/ educational opportunity available to the state’s best and brightest students. President’s Scholars are selected from an elite pool of top-performing students admitted to the University Honors Program.

President’s Scholars receive financial support in the form of individual award packages (for up to four years) that may comprise a combination of one or more of the following:

  • Tuition Waivers
  • Campus Housing Allowances
  • Subsidies for Textbooks (or other essential course materials)

Additional information regarding the President’s Scholarship program is available from our website at http://www.csulb.edu/university-honors/presidents-scholarships

Outside Student Aid Programs

The following programs are administered by other agencies and coordinated by the Office of Financial Aid:

Cal Grant A (FAFSA & Dream Act Applicants)

Cal Grant A is awarded by the California Student Aid Commission to entering and continuing undergraduate students who are California residents. Cal Grant A awards are based on academic achievement financial need, and the enrollment status (full-time, three-quarter time, or halftime). Grants are used to offset state tuition fees.

Cal Grant B (FAFSA & Dream Act Applicants)

Cal Grant B is awarded by the California Student Aid Commission to entering undergraduate students who have not completed more than one semester of college. Applicants must be California residents, and must demonstrate substantial financial need. Grants vary depending on educational costs. Fees, in addition to the basic award, are normally provided in the second, third, and fourth years. The grant may be renewable for up to four years.

California Middle Class Scholarship (MCS)

The Middle Class Scholarship (MCS) is awarded by the California Student Aid Commission to new and continuing undergraduate and credential students with family incomes and assets up to $171,000 attending a CSU or UC. The MCS helps to offset a portion of a student’s state tuition fee.

To be eligible for the MCS, a student must:

  • Be a California resident or eligible AB 540 student
  • File a FAFSA or California Dream Application by the March 2 deadline
  • Be enrolled at least half-time
  • Meet Satisfactory Academic Progress standards

Any federal, state, or institutionally administered student financial aid grants or fee sponsorships/waivers received by an eligible student may impact the amount of award received.

Federal Pell Grant Program

The Pell Grant Program is a federal aid program designed to provide financial assistance to eligible undergraduate students who demonstrate financial need. Teacher credential students in an eligible program may also qualify. Once a student is determined eligible for the Pell Grant, the amount of the award is based on the student’s cost of attendance, and enrollment on either a half-time, three-quarter time, or full-time basis. Eligibility is limited to U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens. Students are limited to a total of six full-time years (600%) of Pell Grant eligibility.

Federal Direct Loan

The Federal Direct Loan Program enables eligible students to obtain loans from the federal government. During the time the student is enrolled at least half‑time, the federal government pays the interest on the cumulative amount borrowed if the loan is based on financial need (subsidized). An unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan is not based on financial need. Once funds are disbursed, the student is responsible for interest due on the loan while in school.

Federal PLUS Loan

The Federal PLUS loan program provides government-insured loans to graduate/doctoral level students and parents of dependent undergraduate students. The PLUS loan is a non-need based unsubsidized loan meaning interest begins accruing on the amount disbursed from the date of disbursement. Eligibility for the PLUS loan is based upon the credit history of the borrower.

The Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant

The TEACH Grant is designed for students who intend to teach full time in a high-need field at a public or private elementary or secondary school that the U.S. Department of Education has designated as having a high concentration of students from low-income families. In exchange for the TEACH grant, recipients agree to teach for at least four years within eight years of finishing their teacher preparation program. Grant recipients who are unable to complete any of the service requirements of the TEACH Grant Program will have their grants converted to a Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loan.

Fee Waivers and Exemptions

The California Education Code provides for the waiver of mandatory system-wide tuition fees as summarized below:

Section 66025.3 -


Dependent eligible to receive assistance under Article 2 of Chapter 4 of Division 4 of the Military and Veterans Code; child of any veteran of the United States military who has a service-connected disability, has been killed in service, or has died of a service-connected disability, and meets specified income provisions; dependent, or surviving spouse who has not remarried of any member of the California National Guard who, in the line of duty, and while in the active service of the state, was killed, died of a disability resulting from an event that occurred while in the active service of the state, or is permanently disabled as a result of an event that occurred while in the active service of the state; and any undergraduate student who is a recipient of a Medal of Honor, or undergraduate student who is a child of a recipient of a Medal of Honor who is no more than 27 years old, who meets the income restriction and California residency requirement.

Foster Youth

Current or former foster youth who are 25 years of age or younger; have been in foster care for at least 12 consecutive months after reaching 10 years of age; meet one of the following: is under a current foster care placement order by the juvenile court, was under a foster care placement order by the juvenile court upon reaching 18 years of age, or was adopted, or entered guardianship, from foster care; completes and submits the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA); maintains a minimum grade point average and meets the conditions necessary to be in good standing at the campus; and meets the financial need requirements established for Cal Grant A awards.  The waiver of mandatory systemwide tuition and fees under this section applies only to a person who is determined to be a resident of California pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 68000) of Part 41 of the California Education Code.

Section 66602 - A qualifying student from the California State University who is appointed by the Governor to serve as Trustee of the California State University for the duration of his or her term of office.

Section 68120 - Surviving spouse or child of a deceased resident who was employed by a public agency, or was a contractor or an employee of a contractor, performing services for a public agency, and was killed or died as a result of an industrial injury or illness arising out of and in the course of the performance of his/her principal duties of active law enforcement or active fire suppression and prevention duties (referred to as Alan Pattee Scholarships).

Additionally, a person who qualifies for the waiver under this section as a surviving child of a contractor or of an employee of a contractor, who performed services for a public agency, must have enrolled as an undergraduate student at the California State University and meet the applicable income restriction requirement with supporting documentation (i.e. his/her income, including the value of parent support, does not exceed the maximum household income and asset level for an applicant for a Cal Grant B award).

Section 68121 - A qualifying student enrolled in an undergraduate program who is the surviving dependent of any individual killed in the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon building in Washington, D.C., or the crash of United Airlines Flight 93 in southwestern Pennsylvania, if the student meets the financial need requirements set forth in Government Code Section 69432.7 for the Cal Grant A Program and either the surviving dependent or the individual killed in the attacks was a resident of California on September 11, 2001.

Section 69000 - A person who has been exonerated, as that term is defined in Section 3007.05(e) of the Penal Code; completes and submits the FAFSA; and meets the financial need requirements established for Cal Grant A awards. The waiver of mandatory systemwide tuition and fees under this section applies only to a person who is determined to be a resident of California pursuant to Chapter 1 (commencing with Section 68000) of Part 41 of the California Education Code.

Students who may qualify for the above benefits should contact the Admissions/Registrar’s Office for further information and/or an eligibility determination.

The California Education Code provides for the following nonresident tuition exemptions as summarized below:

Section 68075 - A student who is a member of the Armed Forces of the United States stationed in this state, except a member of the Armed Forces assigned for educational purposes to a state-supported institution of higher education, is entitled to resident classification only for the purpose of determining the amount of tuition and fees.

If that member of the Armed Forces of the United States who is in attendance at an institution is thereafter transferred on military orders to a place outside this state where the member continues to serve in the Armed Forces of the United States, he or she shall not lose his or her resident classification so long as he or she remains continuously enrolled at that institution.

Section 68075.7 - A nonresident student is exempt from paying nonresident tuition or any other fee that is exclusively applicable to nonresident students if the student (1) resides in California, (2) meets the definition of “covered individual” as defined in either: (A) Section 3679(c)(2)(A) or (B)(ii)(l) of Title 38 of the United States Code, as that provision read on January 1, 2017 or (B) Section 3679(c)(2)(B)(i) or (ii)(II) of Title 38 of the United States Code, as that provision read on January 1, 2017, and (3) is eligible for education benefits under either the federal Montgomery GI Bill-Active Duty program (30 U.S.C. § 3001 et seq.) or the Post-9/11 GI Bill program (38 U.S.C. § 3301 et seq.) as each read on January 1, 2017.

Section 68122 - A student who is a victim of trafficking, domestic violence, and other serious crimes who has been granted T or U visa status (respectively under Section 1101(a)(15)(T)(i) or (ii), or Section 1101(a)(15)(U)(i) or (ii), of Title 8 of the United States Code) shall be exempt from paying nonresident tuition to the same extent as individuals who are admitted to the United States as refugees under Section 1157 of Title 8 of the United States Code.

Section 68130.5 - A student, other than a nonimmigrant noncitizen (8 U.S.C. § 1101(a)(15)), who is not a resident of California is exempt from paying nonresident tuition if the student meets the requirements of (1) through (4), below:

  1. Satisfaction of the requirements of either subparagraph (A) or subparagraph (B):
    1. A total attendance of, or attainment of credits earned while in California equivalent to, three or more years of full-time attendance or attainment of credits at any of the following:
      1. California high schools.
      2. California high schools established by the State Board of Education.
      3. California adult schools established by a county office of education, a unified school district or high school district, or the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (subject to the class hours’ requirement).
      4. Campuses of the California Community Colleges (subject to the credit requirements).
      5. A combination of those schools set forth in clauses (i) to (iv), inclusive.
    2. Three or more years of full-time high school coursework, and a total of three or more years of attendance in California elementary schools, California secondary schools, or a combination of California elementary and secondary schools.
  2. Satisfaction of any of the following:
    1. Graduation from a California high school or attainment of the equivalent thereof.
    2. Attainment of an associate degree from a campus of the California Community Colleges.
    3. Fulfillment of the minimum transfer requirements established for the California State University for students transferring from a campus of the California Community Colleges.
  3. Registration as an entering student at, or current enrollment at, an accredited institution of higher education in California not earlier than the fall semester or quarter of the 2001-02 academic year.
  4. In the case of a person without lawful immigration status, the filing of an affidavit with the institution of higher education stating that the student has filed an application to legalize his or her immigration status, or will file an application as soon as he or she is eligible to do so.

Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Grants

Students who are at least one‑fourth American Indian, Eskimo, or Aleut may apply for a BIA grant. The amount of the grant depends upon financial need and availability of funds. Students must complete an application for financial aid and then contact their tribe or tribal agency for an application.

Federal/State Regulations

The information contained in this publication accurately reflects regulations and policies at the time of printing. Be aware that Federal and State regulations governing financial aid processing and eligibility are subject to change at any time.

Other Types of Employment & Internship Opportunities

The Career Development Center

The Career Development Center assists students with locating part-time employment, internship opportunities, on-campus federal work-study, and off-campus positions. Students can access listings on CareerLINK, CSULB’s online job search site http://careers.csulb.edu/students/jobs_connect.htm. For more information, contact the Career Development Center (562) 985-4151 or visit Brotman Hall, Room 250.

Teaching Associateships and Graduate Assistantships

Many CSULB departments have Teaching Associate (TA) and/or Graduate Assistant (GA) positions available for qualified graduate students. Students should check in department offices or on the campus web site for more information.