2020-2021 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
NRSG 200 - Foundations of Professional Nursing (6 units)
Prerequisites: Admission to the Nursing program. Proof of clinical safety compliance must be presented to the School of Nursing office prior to the first day of classes for permission to register. Go to the School of Nursing Undergraduate Handbook located at (www.csulb. edu/colleges/chhs/departments/nursing/) for compliance details. Corequisites: NRSG 305 and NUTR 339 , or consent of instructor.
Support Courses: SOC 100 or PSY 100 . Introduction to physical and social science principles which provide basis for beginning level nursing theory and practice within the framework of nursing process, self care, and evidence based practice. Guided utilization of theory and skill in a clinical laboratory.
Letter grade only (A-F). Course fee may be required. (Lecture-discussion 3 hours, laboratory 9 hours).