Mar 14, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Single Subject Credential Program (Code 100)

The Single Subject Credential Program (SSCP) is a 45 unit program of study comprised of one prerequisite course, four corequisite courses, four core courses, and the capstone student teaching experience and student teaching seminar. EDSS 300A-S , the prerequisite course, must be taken prior to other EDSS and EDSE courses. The corequisites may be taken prior to or concurrent with EDSS 300A-S , or the core courses. All coursework must be completed prior to student teaching, except for the student teaching seminar, which is taken concurrently with student teaching. Student teaching is a full teaching day, Monday through Friday, for approximately 20 weeks under the guidance of one or more cooperating teachers and a university supervisor.



Take the following course:


All professional coursework for the credential must be completed within seven years of admission to the program. In addition to professional preparation, all credential candidates must demonstrate subject matter competence by one of the following: A) completion of a CTC-approved subject matter program; B) passing scores on the CSET exam; C) transcript review for approved subject matter equivalency. Candidates should confer as early as possible with the Credential Advisor in their subject area to develop an efficient program plan.

Admission to the Program

Before beginning the Single Subject Credential Program, students should be admitted to the university. Apply for admission if you are A) a graduating senior at CSULB, B) transferring from another institution, or C) returning to the university after an absence of one or more semesters. Admission to the university does not constitute admission to the SSCP. Application to the program is made as part of the course requirements for EDSS 300. Undergraduate students may take the EDSS 300 course once they have completed a minimum of 60 semester or 90 quarter units.

Program Admission Requirements

Admissions requirements are subject to change by the California Commission in Teacher Credentialing. Current requirements can be found at

Preliminary Credential

Successful completion of the Single Subject Credential Program leads to the Preliminary Credential issued by the CTC, which is valid for five years.

Credential Requirements

In order to apply for a preliminary credential, candidates must:

  1. Hold a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution within the U.S. or equivalent.
  2. Satisfy the U. S. Constitution requirement (POSC 100  or POSC 391  or exam or equivalent course from another institution).
  3. Satisfy the Basic Skills Requirement.
  4. Hold a Certificate of Clearance (fingerprint check).
  5. Demonstrate subject matter competence.
  6. Complete all prerequisite, corequisite, core and capstone courses with a “B” average and a minimum grade of “C”. A minimum 3.0 grade point average must be maintained in all EDSS and EDSE courses. A minimum grade of “B” must be attained in EDSS 300A-S  and EDSS 450 (any subtopic).
  7. Demonstrate Level I technology proficiency.
  8. Successfully complete student teaching and student teaching seminar.
  9. Pass the state-mandated Teacher Performance Assessment (Cal TPA).

Student Teaching

Student Teaching is a full day (At least 5 class periods), full semester responsibility following the school district calendar (approximately 20 weeks). Students teach three classes which represent at least two different topics or levels of the subject. The other two periods are for preparation and observation. The university determines the specific student teaching assignment from a wide variety of schools and teaching situations available in the program service area within 20 miles of CSULB and that reflect the region’s diversity.

Advancement to Student Teaching is based upon a second thorough assessment of the candidate’s qualifications. The process involves an evaluation of the applicant’s file and an interview with faculty in the Single Subject Program. The criteria for advancement are as follows:

  1. Continued potential for success in teaching, as indicated by successful leadership, teaching experience, or work experience. Updated information regarding the candidate’s most recent experience, including work in EDSS 450 (any subtopic), forms the basis of this assessment.
  2. Continuing motivation for and enthusiasm toward teaching, together with those dispositions believed essential for successful teaching. Evidence may include an evaluation from the instructor of EDSS 450 (any subtopic) and further evaluation from faculty who have worked with or have interviewed the student since the time of admission to the credential program.
  3. Academic competence overall and in the teaching major. The level of academic achievement of candidates is expected to be above average.

Advancement to Student Teaching Requirements

In order to advance to student teaching, candidates must:

  1. Be a member in good standing of the Single Subject Credential Program.
  2. Attain a GPA of 2.75 in the last 60 semester units, or 2.67 overall.
  3. Successfully complete all program courses, except Student Teaching and Seminar.
  4. Attain a minimum “B” grade point average in program courses, including prerequisites, corequisites and core courses, with no grade lower than “C.” A minimum 3.0 grade point average must be maintained in all EDSS and EDSE courses. Completion of EDSS 300A-S  and EDSS 450 (any subtopic) with a minimum grade of “B.”
  5. Demonstrate TB clearance (clearance must be valid through completion of student teaching).
  6. Satisfy the Basic Skills Requirement.
  7. Demonstrate subject matter competence. CSET test takers must submit passing scores with their student teaching application. Course-takers must satisfy the subject matter mastery requirement prior to the first day of student teaching.
  8. Provide proof of valid Certificate of Clearance
  9. Submit a student teaching application by October 1 or March 15 of the semester prior to student teaching.

Student Teaching Application Process

  1. Student Teaching applications are available on the program website.
  2. The application for Student Teaching is reviewed by the student’s Subject Area Credential Advisor and the Teacher Preparation Advising Center (TPAC) to ensure all requirements are met. TPAC makes a recommendation to the SSCP Director who takes final action. When approved, the student registers for student teaching. A priority system is used if sufficient funding or placements are not available to allow all qualified applicants to enroll in student teaching.
  3. A valid Certificate of Clearance must be on file in the Credential Center prior to the beginning of Student Teaching.

Single Subject Internship

The Internship Program provides an opportunity for qualified Single Subject Credential Program (SSCP) candidates to work as teachers of record while completing their preservice preparation. Internship positions are offered by school districts in consultation with the SSCP. An internship is an entry-level paid teaching position in a regular public secondary school classroom. The Intern Credential holder is an employee of the school district on a contractual basis and is subject to all district employment policies.

Interns are also program students, subject to program requirements. Interns carry considerable responsibility as the classroom teacher of record responsible for designing, developing, and implementing curriculum and instruction for a full load of classes for the length of the school year. In addition, they are expected to be fully participating members of the
school faculty, including service on school committees, supervision of student activities, and attendance at school and district meetings and inservices. Only candidates who are truly ready for the responsibility and heavy workload should become interns. Candidates should consult with their Credential Advisor and the University SSCP Director as they explore the possibility of doing an internship.

To be approved for an internship, candidates must meet the following requirements: be in good standing in the SSCP, be enrolled in at least one program course each semester, demonstrate Basic Skills Requirement, demonstrate subject matter competence (as determined by CTC subject matter requirements), have character clearance, be approved for advancement to student teaching, demonstrate relevant successful experience working with students, and show proof of meeting the U. S. Constitution requirement. The internship offer is made by the school district, and must be in the candidate’s teaching field. Interns cannot teach out of their field. Candidates must have the approval of their Credential Advisor and the approval of the University SSCP Director. There must be a District/University Internship Agreement in place between the district and CSULB.

Upon completing all program requirements for advancement to student teaching, Interns use their teaching position as the “student teaching” experience. Interns must submit an application to student teach by the regular deadlines: October 1 for Spring and March 15 for Fall student teaching. Interns register for 15 units of Intern Student Teaching and 3 units of Student Teaching Seminar. Interns must have a minimum of two different class preparations as part of their teaching assignments. A University Supervisor observes the intern periodically during the term, conferences with the intern after site visits, and provides support. The school provides a Site Support Teacher who functions as the Intern’s on-site mentor. Interns are evaluated on program evaluation forms that are based on the California Teaching Performance Expectations.

Intern Application Guidelines and application materials are available in the Teacher Preparation Advising Center EED-67). Late applications may not be approved until the following semester. A list of districts with which the program has intern contractual agreements is available on the SSCP website.

The Early Completion Intern Option allows qualified candidates in English, Math, and Science to challenge the coursework portion of the internship program and demonstrate their pedagogical skills by passage of the Teaching Foundations Examination and the California Teacher Performance Assessment while serving as an intern. See an advisor in the Teacher Preparation Advising Center for details.

Clear Credential

The Preliminary credential is valid for five years from the date of issuance and is not renewable. During the first five years of teaching, teachers earn the Clear Credential through their District-Sponsored Induction Program.

Petition Process

Appeals of program decisions or requests for policy waivers are made by filing a written appeal to the Single Subject Program Petition Committee. The Petition Committee reviews the written statement and supporting evidence. After the review, the Committee renders its final decision. Examples of petitionable policies are: the minimum grade point average required for program admission, completing all program courses prior to student teaching, and course equivalencies. Consult the TPAC Office for items not listed here. Students follow university policy to appeal a course final grade.