The B.S. in Geography focuses on the spatial organization of human and physical landscapes, interactions between human society and the physical environment, and ways in which human actions modify the environment. Students analyze and understand these phenomena through application of geographic methodologies and technologies used to study these phenomena.
The B.S. in Geography includes three distinct pathways: Urban, Environmental and Geospatial, with an additional focus on statistical and methodological approaches to geographic inquiry.
The B.S. includes a suite of four lower division (12 units; no prerequisites) and five upper division (16 units) core courses. These are followed by specializations in one of the three pathways - Urban, Environmental and Geospatial. Each pathway includes unique curriculum with specific content and methods requirements designed for the subfield.
The lower division courses selected for the B.S. degree are designed to provide students with an introduction to the four areas covered by the B.S. Additional breadth is provided through the upper division core courses. Depth is introduced through the specialization in one of the three distinct pathways. Each pathway contains a set of upper division core courses selected specifically for that pathway’s specialization course. A methods capstone specific to a selected pathway is integrated as part of the upper division core (see Figure 1).
A grade of “C” or better must be achieved in all upper division Geography courses.