2022-2023 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Mathematics and Statistics
Department Chair: Will Murray
Undergraduate Associate Chair: Florence A. Newberger
Department Office: Faculty Offices (FO3-120)
Telephone / FAX: (562) 985-4721 / (562) 985-8227
Website: Mathematics and Statistics Department
Faculty: Babette M. Benken, Joseph Bennish, Ryan C. Blair, John O. Brevik, Linda H. Byun (Emeritus), Bruce J. Chaderjian, Jen-Mei Chang, Joshua D. Chesler, Scott W. Crass, Yu Ding, Morteza Ebneshahrashoob (Emeritus), Tangan Gao, Yihnan David Gau, Brian Katz, Eun Heui Kim, Sung Eun Kim, YongHee Kim-Park, Olga Korosteleva, Melvin D. Lax, Chung-Min Lee, Xuhui Li, Xiyue Liao, Kathryn McCormick, Robert A. Mena (Emeritus), Hojin Moon, Will Murray, Florence A. Newberger, Norma A. Noguera (Emeritus), Jeffrey Pair, Joshua H. Sack, Alan M. Safer, Angelo Segalla (Emeritus), Kagba N. Suaray, Hui Sun, Robert C. Valentini (Emeritus), Ngo N. P. Viet (Emeritus), James H. von Brecht, Lihan Wang, Wen-Qing Xu, Tianni Zhou, William K. Ziemer
Administrative Support Coordinator: Sofia Aguilera
- General and Mathematics Education - Jeffrey Pair
- Applied Math - Melvin D. Lax
- Statistics - Olga Korosteleva
- K-9th Teaching - Babette M. Benken
Honors in the Major: Florence Newberger
Credential: Joshua D. Chesler
- General - John O. Brevik
- Applied - James H. von Brecht
- Mathematics Education - Xuhui Li
- Statistics - Kagba N. Suaray
Students desiring information should contact the department office for referral to one of the faculty advisors.
College: College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Career Possibilities
Mathematician • Statistician • Operations Research Analyst • Computer Programmer • Wage/Salary Analyst • Teacher • Systems Analyst • Financial Analyst • Corporate Accountant • Actuary • Surveyor • Information Scientist • Econometrist • Securities Analyst • Efficiency Engineer • Meteorologist • Technical Writer • Demographer (Some of these, and other careers, require additional education or experience. (For more information, see CSULB Careers website.) Various entry-level trainee positions in business and industry are available for graduates regardless of academic discipline.
Mathematics is fundamental to all scientific knowledge, including not only the traditional natural sciences but increasingly the social and economic sciences. Mathematics is also a vital aid to critical and philosophical thinking.
The Department offers instruction for students at all levels beyond high school mathematics. Its courses provide the computational and analytic skills needed for a variety of majors, as well as the advanced theoretical topics for specialists in mathematics.
Academic Advising and Facilitated Enrollment into Classes
All entering students who declare a major in a degree program offered by this department need to contact the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics’ (CNSM) Academic Advising Center (HSCI 164) and participate in the College’s Science Safari to Success (for first time freshmen) or EONS (Enrollment and Orientation in the Natural Sciences and Mathematics for transfer students) Program. These programs are held in June/July for those starting in the Fall Semester and in January for those starting in the Spring Semester. Department advisors will be available to provide an overview of the students’ chosen baccalaureate degree program, to assist with academic advisement, to provide information on the many career opportunities available, and to aid students in enrolling in classes. Contact the CNSM Academic Advising Center, Jensen Student Access to Sciences and Mathematics Center (HSCI 164), or department office for additional information.
Concurrent and/or Summer Enrollment at Another College
Students who wish to take coursework at a community college or other college to meet curricular requirements while enrolled as undergraduates in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics must petition the appropriate department for prior approval to earn credit for specific courses. This policy applies to concurrent enrollment or summer enrollment. University policy must also be complied with; see ‘Concurrent Enrollment’ and eTransfer of Undergraduate Credit’ in this catalog. Courses not receiving prior approval will not be accepted for credit by the department.
Single Subject Teaching Credential Mathematics
The B.S. in Mathematics, Mathematics Education Option, is a Subject Matter Preparation Program approved by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Successful completion of the degree is a demonstration of Subject Matter Competence (SMC) for the purposes of earning a single subject credential in Mathematics. There are alternative means of demonstrating SMC; consult with the Single Subject Mathematics Credential Advisor for specific academic advisement.
In addition to meeting the SMC requirement for the teaching credential, prospective Mathematics teachers are also required to complete 45 units of professional preparation in the Single Subject Credential Program, including student teaching. Students may begin the professional preparation courses as early as the junior year. With the exception of student teaching, most credential program courses may be taken either as an undergraduate or as a post-baccalaureate student. Students should consult with their major and credential advisors to develop a plan. Refer to the Single Subject Teacher Education section of this catalog or the Single Subject Credential Program website for a description of the professional preparation requirements, courses, and application procedures.
How to Apply
See Department’s website:
To apply for admission to a graduate program in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, you must apply to the department and to the university.
To apply to the department, send one of the following appropriate prerequisite worksheet (available online at above website or from the department office) to the Graduate Advisor by June 1 for fall admission or November 1 for spring admission:
- Pure Mathematics Prerequisite Worksheet;
- Applied Mathematics Prerequisite Worksheet;
- Applied Statistics Prerequisite Worksheet;
- Mathematics Education for Secondary Teachers Prerequisite Worksheet.
ProgramsGraduate and Professional DegreesUndergraduate DegreesMinorCoursesMathematics Education Statistics Page: 1
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