2019-2020 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Biological Sciences
Department Chair: Dessie L.A. Underwood
Department Office: Hall of Science (HSCI) 104
Telephone / FAX: (562) 985‑4806 / (562) 985-8878
Website: www.csulb.edu/biology
Faculty: Bengt J. Allen, Flora Banuett, Renaud Berlemont, Judith A. Brusslan, Ashley Carter, Jesse G. Dillon, Elizabeth D. Eldon, Amanda Fisher, Deborah Fraser, Manuela Gardner, Editte Gharakhanian, Gwen Goodmanlowe, Michael Harris, Erika Holland, Laura Kingsford, Lisa S. Klig, Kay K. Lee- Fruman, Brian T. Livingston, Christopher G. Lowe, Ari Martinez, Douglas Pace, Raisa Hernández Pacheco, Bruno G. Pernet, Shehnaz Rehmat, Bryan C. Rourke, Kevin Sinchak, Theodore Stankowich, Barbara Taylor, Houng-Wei Tsai, Dessie L. A. Underwood, Christine Whitcraft, Raymond R. Wilson, Jr., Kelly A. Young, Mason X. Zhang
Administrative Support Coordinator: Catherine Durham
Credential: Kristin Straits
Undergraduate Advisors:
General Biology - Kay K. Lee-Fruman and Ashley Carter
Biology Education - Gwen Goodmanlowe
Cell and Molecular Biology and Physiology - Kay K. Lee-Fruman
Marine Biology - Gwen Goodmanlowe
Microbiology - Deborah Fraser
Organismal Biology - Gwen Goodmanlowe
Graduate Advisor and Support Staff: Kevin Sinchak and Christina Schneider
Health Professions Advising Office (HSCI 164)
Biotechnology Certificate Advisor: Lisa S. Klig
Students desiring information should contact the department office for referral to one of the faculty advisors.
College: College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Courses: BIOL
Career Possibilities
Research Scientist • Physician • Dentist • Pharmacist • Veterinarian • Marine Biologist • Biologist • Lab Technician • Biological Aide • Technical Writer • Biological Illustrator • Forester • Quality Control Technician • Biomedical Engineer • Pharmaceutical Sales Representative • Fish and Wildlife Biologist • Food Technologist • Microbiologist • Criminologist • Dietitian • Medical Technologist • Health Planner • Physician’s Assistant • Medical Librarian • Respiratory Therapist • Curator • Ecologist • Environmental Specialist • Sanitarian (Some of these, and other careers, require additional education or experience. For more information, see www.careers.csulb.edu.) Various entry-level trainee positions in business and industry are available for graduates regardless of academic discipline.
The biological sciences include all of the areas of scientific endeavor centered around the general question of the nature of life. Such diverse areas as genetics, genomics, physiology, cell biology, marine biology, ecology, and animal behavior are all part of the biological sciences. The disciplines of the biological sciences represented in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics are located in the Department of Biological Sciences, which offers five degrees: a Bachelor of Science in Biology, a Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology, a Bachelor of Science in Microbiology, a Master of Science in Biology, and a Master of Science in Microbiology. The B.S. in Biology has, in addition to a general option, three specialized options in Biology Education, Organismal Biology, and Molecular Cell Biology and Physiology. See below for the specific requirements for each of these degrees and options. The Department of Biological Sciences also participates in the Desert Studies Consortium and the Ocean Studies Institute. Information on the latter program is listed in this catalog under Ocean Studies Institute.
Graduate Student Financial Support
The Department of Biological Sciences offers to graduate students a limited number of teaching associate and graduate assistant appointments. Forms requesting consideration for these appointments are available in the department’s Graduate Office. Duties consist of approximately 20 hours per week devoted to preparation and/or instruction in general undergraduate laboratory classes.
The department also has a limited number of technical assistant positions as well as some hourly employment. Members of the faculty have grants that provide for research assistantships. A number of scholarships are available through the university.
Graduate and Health Professional Preparation
The department provides preparation for advanced study at the graduate level and for entry into various health professional schools. Students should consider the degree requirements listed in the catalog as minimal; some graduate schools, professional schools, or careers may require additional coursework in mathematics, physics, chemistry, or biological sciences.
Students desiring entrance into a graduate school to obtain a masters or doctoral degree in some area of the biological sciences should determine the entrance requirements for the school(s) of interest early in their undergraduate years. Specifically, students contemplating graduate work in mathematically oriented areas of the biological sciences should consider taking more calculus (MATH 122 , MATH 123 , MATH 224 , and MATH 364A or MATH 370A will substitute for MATH 119A and MATH 119B ) and those contemplating graduate work in chemically oriented areas should consider taking additional chemistry (CHEM 220A , CHEM 220B ; CHEM 251 ; CHEM 377A , CHEM 377B ; CHEM 441A , CHEM 441B ).
Students desiring entrance into one of the various health.related professional schools should consult with the Health Professions Advising Office in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics’ Jensen Student Access to Science and Mathematics (SAS) Center (HSCI 164) for more information. Most of these schools do not require students to major in any particular discipline but favor holders of a bachelors degree. They prefer students who have done well in their major and who also took the prerequisite courses required by that particular school.
Single Subject Teaching Credential in Biology
The Biological Sciences concentration meets the subject matter competence requirement for the Single Subject Teaching Credential in Biology. In addition to meeting the subject matter competence requirement for the Teaching Credential, prospective Biology teachers are also required to complete 45 units of professional preparation in the Single Subject Credential Program, including student teaching. Students may begin the professional preparation courses as early as the junior year. With careful planning, it is possible to complete many of the credential program courses as an undergraduate. Courses may also be started as a post-baccalaureate student. Refer to the Single Subject Teacher Education section of this catalog or the Single Subject Credential Program website (www.ced.csulb.edu/single-subject) for a description of the professional preparation requirements, courses, and application procedures.
ProgramsUndergraduate DegreesGraduate and Professional DegreesMinorCertificatesCoursesBiology Page: 1
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