Mar 11, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

BIOL 454A - Research in Tropical Marine Ecology

(3 units)

Prerequisites: BIOL 350 , BIOL 353 , and one 400-level marine biology major course, all with grade of “C” or better, and consent of instructor.
(Undergraduates enroll in BIOL 454A; graduates enroll in BIOL 554A .) Field and laboratory studies, lectures, and individual research on tropical marine biological problems. Designed to engage students in experimental research, including: recognizing a problem, designing and carrying out a project, statistical data analysis, and oral and written report presentation. Eight-day field trip to Hawaii required during spring recess at student expense. Enrollment is limited.

Letter grade only (A-F). Course fee may be required. (Lecture 2 hrs., 8 day field trip.) Double Numbered with: BIOL 554A