Sep 27, 2024  
2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog 
2021-2022 Undergraduate and Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]




  • STAT 118 - Introductory Business Statistics

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: Appropriate CSULB Algebra and Calculus Placement.

    Sampling methods, data collection, organizing and visualizing, descriptive statistics, random variables, probability distributions, point and interval estimation, hypothesis testing, correlation, regression, contingency tables, applications in business, finance, econometrics, and marketing research.

    Not open for credit to students with credit in MATH 108, MATH 180, STAT 108, MATH 380, MTED 105, MTED 205, or MTED 305.  

    Both grading options. (Lecture 3 hours)

  • STAT 381 - Mathematical Statistics

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites: MATH 247  and a grade of “C” or better in MATH 380 .
    Estimation and hypothesis testing. Maximum likelihood and method of moments estimation. Efficiency, unbiasedness, and asymptotic distribution of estimators. Neyman-Pearson Lemma. Goodness-of-fit tests. Correlation and regression. Experimental design and analysis of variance. Nonparametric methods.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.) Not open for credit to students with credit in MATH 381.
  • STAT 410 - Applied Regression Analysis

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 381 
    Fundamental concepts and applications of regression analysis. Simple linear regression: inference, prediction, residual analysis, outlier detection, transformations. Multiple linear regression: influence diagnostics, multicollinearity, variable selection, simultaneous estimation and inference, validation techniques. Logistic Regression; Poisson Regression; ANOVA; ANCOVA. Statistical software used.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.) Not open for credit to students with credit in MATH 480 or MATH 590 .
  • STAT 450 - Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 381 
    Prerequisite/Corequisite STAT 410 .

    Basic concepts and applications of multivariate methods including: inferences about mean vectors and covariance matrices; multivariate regression; multivariate analysis of variance; data reduction using principal components, factor and cluster analysis; classification using discriminant analysis and logistic regression. Statistical software used.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.) Not open for credit to students with credit in MATH 483 or MATH 593.
  • STAT 471 - Introduction to R Programming

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites: STAT 381  or consent of instructor.
    Basic data types and operations in R, data visualization, manipulation, and exploratory analysis with the R package tidyverse, simulations to realize statistical distributions, text mining, Monte Carlo methods, bootstrapping methods. Topics of current interest.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Not repeatable for credit.
  • STAT 473 - Statistical Machine Learning

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 381 .
    Supervised learning regression and classification models, model shrinkage and regularization methods, unsupervised learning models, topic modeling and sentiment analysis, data and model visualization with the R package tidyverse. Topics of current interest.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Not repeatable for credit.
  • STAT 475 - Data Analysis with SAS

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 381  or consent of instructor.
    Topics include: Statistical analysis including extraction, presentation of data in graphical form, creation, modification of datasets, interpretation of output, writing of reports. Provides SAS programming techniques for aforementioned topics preparation for SAS base certification.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.) Not open for credit to students with credit in MATH 489.
  • STAT 482 - Random Processes

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites: MATH 247  and MATH 380 .
    Further topics in probability. Markov processes. Renewal theory. Random walks. Queueing theory. Poisson processes. Brownian motion.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.) Not open for credit to students with credit in MATH 382.
  • STAT 483 - Survey Sampling

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites: STAT 381  or consent of instructor
    Theory and practice of sampling from finite populations. Simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling, bootstrap/resampling methods, spatial sampling/kriging, properties of various estimators including ratio, regression, and difference estimators. Error estimation for complex samples.

    Letter grade only (A-F) (Lecture 3 hours)
  • STAT 484 - Actuarial Science: Models

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 381  or consent of instructor.
    Statistical techniques applied to risk management. Expected utility theory, individual risk models, compound Poisson distributions and processes, ruin probability and first surplus, stop-loss and proportional reinsurance, statistical survival distributions and life tables, life annuity, actuarial present values, and premiums determination.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.) Not open for credit to students with credit in MATH 484.
  • STAT 485 - Actuarial Science: Financial Mathematics

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 381 .
    Simple and compound interests, stochastic approaches to interest and annuities, stochastic models of stock, Black- Scholes arbitrage pricing of options and other derivative securities, Markowitz portfolio optimization theory, Ito financial calculus, filtrations and martingales.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.)
  • STAT 495 - Topics in Modern Statistics

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. (Undergraduates register in STAT 495; graduates enroll in STAT 595 .)
    Topics of current interest from statistics literature.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs) STAT 595  Course may be repeated to a maximum of 6 units with different topics.
  • STAT 497 - Directed Studies

    (1-6 units)

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. Junior or senior standing and consent of instructor.
    Letter grade only (A-F). Not open to graduate students.
  • STAT 510 - Regression Analysis

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 381 . (Undergraduates register in STAT 410 ; graduates enroll in STAT 510.)
    Simple linear regression: estimation and inference, prediction, analysis of residuals, detection of outliers, use of transformations. Multiple linear regression: influence diagnostics, multi-collinearity, selection of variables, simultaneous estimation and inference, validation techniques. Statistical software for data analysis used.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.) Not open for credit to students with credit in MATH 480 or MATH 590  or STAT 410 .
  • STAT 520 - Statistical Inference

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 381  or consent of instructor.
    Properties of a random sample, convergence in probability, law of large numbers, sampling from the normal distribution, the central limit theorem, principles of data reduction, likelihood principle, point estimation, Bayesian estimation, methods of evaluating estimators, hypothesis testing, decision theory, confidence intervals.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.) Not open for credit to students with credit in MATH 580.
  • STAT 530 - Experimental Design

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 381  or consent of instructor.
    Design of experiments to permit efficient analysis of sources of variation with application to quality assurance. Factorial and fractional factorial designs; block designs; confounding. Fixed and random effect models. Effects of departure from assumptions; transformations. Response surface techniques. Taguchi methods.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.) Not open for credit to students with credit in MATH 581.
  • STAT 532 - Statistical Quality Control

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 381  or consent of instructor.
    Introduction to methods of statistical quality control. Includes control charts, acceptance sampling, process capability analysis, and aspects of experimental design.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.) Not open for credit to students with credit in MATH 584.
  • STAT 544 - Statistical Consulting

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites: STAT 381  and STAT 410 /STAT 510  or consent of instructor.
    The methodology of statistical consulting: guidelines for clientconsultant communications, presentations to clients, basics of writing final technical reports, thorough case studies involving advanced statistical analysis, invited client presentations, real-life projects, group discussions, written and oral statistical reports by students.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.)
  • STAT 550 - Multivariate Statistical Analysis

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 381 
    Prerequisite/Corequisite: STAT 510 

    Discriminate analysis, principal components, factor analysis, cluster analysis, logistic regression, canonical correlation, multidimensional scaling, and some nonlinear techniques. Statistical software used.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.) Not open for credit to students with credit in MATH 483 or MATH 593 or STAT 450 .
  • STAT 560 - Nonparametric Statistics

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 410  or STAT 510 , or consent of instructor.
    Alternatives to normal-theory statistical methods, analysis of categorical and ordinal data, methods based on ranks, measures of association, goodness of fit tests, order statistics.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.) Not open for credit to students with credit in MATH 585.
  • STAT 572 - Computational Statistics

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 381  or consent of instructor.
    Random number generation, sampling and subsampling, exploratory data analysis, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, density estimation and EM algorithm. Topics of current interest.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.)
  • STAT 574 - Data Mining

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 410 , or STAT 510 , or consent of instructor.
    Basics of data mining algorithms with emphasis on industrial applications. Prediction and classification techniques such as decision trees, neural networks, Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines, and other methods. Several software packages utilized.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.) Not open for credit to students with credit in MATH 586.
  • STAT 576 - Data Informatics

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 410 /STAT 510  or consent of instructor.
    Genetic algorithms, fuzzy logic, discrete choice analysis, online analytical processing, structured query language, statistical database management, and text and web mining. Topics of current interest.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs).
  • STAT 580 - Time Series

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 381  or consent of instructor.
    Includes moving averages, smoothing, Box-Jenkins (ARIMA) models, testing for nonstationarity, model fitting and checking, prediction and model selection, seasonal adjustment, ARCH, GARCH, cointegration, state-space models. Statistical packages used throughout the course.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.) Not open for credit to students with credit in MATH 582.
  • STAT 590 - Survival Analysis

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 381  or consent of instructor.
    Survival data; life tables; nonparametric methods; parametric methods; accelerated failure time models; proportional hazards models; partial likelihood; extensions of the proportional hazards model; advanced topics.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs.)
  • STAT 592 - Advanced Methods in Biostatistics

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: STAT 381  or consent of instructor
    Standard and advanced methodology, theory, algorithms, and applications relevant for analysis of repeated measurements and longitudinal data in biostatistical settings. Generalized Linear Models. Additional topics at the discretion of the instructor may include statistical principles of clinical designs.

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • STAT 595 - Topics in Modern Statistics

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. (Undergraduates register in STAT 495 ; graduates enroll in STAT 595.)
    Topics of current interest from statistics literature.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (Lecture 3 hrs) STAT 495  Course may be repeated to a maximum of 6 units with different topics.
  • STAT 695 - Seminar in Applied Statistics

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
    Presentation and discussion of advanced work in applied statistics.

    Letter grade only (A-F). May be repeated to a maximum of six units.
  • STAT 697 - Directed Studies in Applied Statistics

    (1-3 units)

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
    Research on a specific area in applied statistics. Topic for study to be approved and directed by a statistics faculty member.

    Credit/No Credit only.
  • STAT 698 - Thesis or Project

    (1-6 units)

    Prerequisite: Advancement to candidacy.
    Formal report of research or project in mathematics.

    Letter grade only (A-F). May be repeated to a maximum of 6 units.

Student Development in Higher Education

  • SDHE 516 - Counseling the Adult

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: COUN 515 . Must be current student enrolled in Counseling, Student Development in Higher Education Masters Program.
    Theory and practice of counseling and guidance of the adult.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Course fee may be required. Not open for credit to students with credit in EDP/COUN 516.
  • SDHE 538 - Student Development in Higher Education

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites: Must be current student enrolled in Counseling, Student Development in Higher Education Masters Program.
    Survey of student development in public and private colleges and universities, focusing on historical, philosophical and theoretical foundations; roles and functions; legal, ethical, and organizational issues.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Not open for credit to students with credit in EDP/COUN 538.
  • SDHE 547 - Student Development Theory in Higher Education: Theory to Practice

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: SDHE 538 . Must be current student enrolled in Counseling, Student Development in Higher Education Masters Program.
    Explores student development theory and the application of theory to practice for programs and services in student affairs/higher education. Examine cognitive, psychosocial, and person/environment theories and their application to traditional and non-traditional student populations.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Not open for credit to students with credit in EDP/COUN 547.
  • SDHE 548 - Students in U. S. Higher Education

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: SDHE 538 . Must be current student enrolled in Counseling, Student Development in Higher Education Masters Program.
    Focus on concepts of community and culture in United States college with an emphasis on understanding the diversity of student population to include age, gender, ethnic culture, sexual orientation, and people with disabilities.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Not open for credit to students with credit in EDP/COUN 548.
  • SDHE 549 - Management of Student Development in Higher Education

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Must be current student enrolled in Counseling, Student Development in Higher Education Masters Program.
    Analysis of management and organizational theory and practice as it pertains to student development in higher education. Includes study of human and physical resources management.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Not open for credit to students with credit in EDP/COUN 549.
  • SDHE 552 - Introduction to the Community College

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Must be current student enrolled in Counseling, Student Development in Higher Education Masters Program.
    Introduction, orientation, and survey of California and American community college. Components and modules include teaching and learning, leadership and governance issues, organization and administration, student development, classroom research, institutional resources, and student diversity and equity in the community college.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Not open for credit to students with credit in EDP/COUN 552.
  • SDHE 593 - Seminar in Professional Development in Counseling and Human Services

    (1 unit)

    Prerequisites/Corequisites: SDHE 538  and SDHE 548  . Must be current student enrolled in Counseling, Student Development in Higher Education Masters Program.

    Experiential orientation to profession of counseling and student development/student affairs in higher education with an emphasis on opportunities to observe interactions between organizational and student cultures, and the functions and role of student affairs professionals in the work environment through fifty-hour practicum.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Course fee may be required. Not open for credit to students with credit in EDP/COUN 593.
  • SDHE 643 - Counseling Field Work

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites: SDHE 516 , SDHE 538 . Dept Consent Required. Must be current student enrolled in Counseling, Student Development in Higher Education Masters Program.
    Practical experiences of 225 hours in counseling and guidance activities under supervision in approved settings.

    B. Student Development in Higher Education (3)

    Credit/No Credit grading only. Course fee may be required. Applications for field work must be made no later than March 1 for the following fall semester, and October 1 for the spring semester. Not open for credit to students with credit in EDP 541  or COUN 643B.

  • SDHE 644 - Advanced Counseling Field Work

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites: SDHE 516 , SDHE 538 , SDHE 643 . Dept Consent Required. Must be current student enrolled in Counseling, Student Development in Higher Education Masters Program.
    Continued practical experiences of 225 hours in counseling and guidance activities under supervision in approved settings.

    B. Student Development in Higher Education (3)

    Credit/No Credit grading only. Course fee may be required. Applications for field work must be made no later than March 1 for the following fall semester, and October 1 for the spring semester. Not open for credit to students with credit in EDP 541  or EDP/COUN 644B.

  • SDHE 693A - Intermediate Seminar in Professional Development in Student Development in Higher Education

    (1 unit)

    Prerequisites: SDHE 593 . Must be current student enrolled in Counseling, Student Development in Higher Education Masters Program.
    Explore professional development topics to prepare for professional work in student development in higher education. Attendance at a local, regional or national professional conference required.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Attendance at a local, regional or national professional conference required. Not open for credit to students with credit in COUN 693A.
  • SDHE 693B - Advanced Professional Development Seminar in Student Development in Higher Education

    (1 unit)

    Prerequisites: SDHE 593 SDHE 693A   Must be current student enrolled in Counseling, Student Development in Higher Education Masters Program. 
    Explore advanced professional development topics in student development in higher education. Demonstrate an integration of roles, philosophy and theory for counseling and student development work. Attendance at a local, regional and national conference required.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Attendance at a local, regional and national conference required. Not open for credit to students with credit in COUN 693B.

Student Recreation and Leadership

  • SRL 210 - A-W. Sport Clubs/Leadership

    (1 unit)

    Prerequisite: Participation/competition in sport clubs/leadership. Enrollment subject to consent of instructor or Director of Club Sports and Recreation.
    Athletes enrolled who fail to qualify for squad must withdraw from the course. It is the student’s responsibility to contact teams regarding practice times and eligibility requirements.

    A. Archery
    B. Crew
    D. Ice Hockey
    E. Martial Arts
    F. Rugby
    G. Sailing
    H. Ski and Snowboard
    I. Soccer
    J. Water Ski
    L. Leadership

    Credit/No Credit grading only. May be repeated to a maximum of 4 units, including previously earned credits from SAR 210.

Supplemental Instruction

  • SI 60 - Supplemental Instruction

    (1 unit)

    An adjunct support class tied to select general education courses. Students enroll in the target GE course and the SI class together.

    Both grading options.

Supply Chain Management

  • SCM 410 - Logistics Management

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites: MGMT 300 I S 301 , Management, OSCM majors, or Applied Mathematics majors only or (MGMT 300  and SCM minors only). Freshmen excluded.
    The management of materials into, within and out of an organization, including location planning, procurement, inventory control, transportation, warehousing, packaging and materials handling and order management. Focus is on the analytical and managerial methods essential for an integrated logistics system.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Not open for credit to students with credit in MGMT 410.
  • SCM 411 - Operations Planning and Control

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites: I S 301 , MGMT 300 . Management majors, OSCM majors, or Applied Mathematics majors only or (MGMT 300  and SCM minors only).  Freshmen excluded.
    Strategic principles and tactical practices related to operations planning. Topics include process selection, facilities layout, work systems design, inventory management, aggregate planning, master scheduling, MRP and ERP, scheduling and JIT production activity.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Not open for credit to students with credit in MGMT 411.
  • SCM 414 - Supply Chain Management

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites:  MGMT 300  and I S 301 . Management majors, OSCM majors or Applied Mathematics majors only or (MGMT 300  and SCM minors only). Freshmen excluded.
    Management of value creation and the dynamic interaction of companies within a supply chain. Topics include supply chain drivers and performance, network planning, inventory positioning, supply chain coordination, and information sharing. Contemporary practices are discussed.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Not open for credit to students with credit in MGMT 414.
  • SCM 415 - Distribution Management

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites: MGMT 300 ; I S 301 ; SCM 410  or SCM 414 .
    Theories and principles behind modes of transportation and facilities responsible for the movement of products in the supply chain.  Covering specific distribution management topics such as channels of distribution, principles of warehousing, and logistics modal decisions.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Not repeatable for credit.
  • SCM 500 - Research Methods for Supply Chain Management

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. MS SCM Standing only
    Applications of research methods to topics in supply-chain management and logistics, with an emphasis on descriptive and inferential statistics.

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • SCM 520 - Business Economics

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. MS SCM Standing only.
    Development of microeconomic analytic tools and their application to problems in business and management. Topics include unconstrained and constrained economic optimization, capital theory, product and factor markets, market structures, forecasting, and cost-benefit analysis.

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • SCM 611 - Operations Planning and Analysis

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. MS SCM Standing only.
    Advanced topics on work system design, business process reengineering, and using analytics to make operational decisions such as inventory control, capacity management and scheduling. Emerging operations practices in various industries and hands-on software experiences are included.

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • SCM 614 - Supply Chain Management

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Graduate Standing.  MS SCM Standing only.
    Introduce the concepts, insights and tools for the effective management of the supply chain. Emphasis on both strategic and tactical decisions. Topics include inventory management, value of information, network design, distribution strategies, strategic alliance, revenue management, and international issues.

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • SCM 620 - Business Analytics for Supply Chain Management

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: MS SCM majors only.
    Use advanced techniques such as predictive analytics, optimization, and simulation to make data-oriented decisions that improve operational effectiveness and supply chain coordination. Topics include business statistics, Solver, dynamic optimization, and case studies using Arena simulation.

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • SCM 625 - Global Supply Chain Strategy

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. MS SCM Standing only.
    Current theory and principles of global business pertaining to problems of formulating and implementing strategies and tactics in multinational corporations. Special emphasis on management of supply chain operations across cultural, economic, and political boundaries. Case studies, readings, and research report.

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • SCM 630 - Project Management

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: MS SCM majors only.
    This course focuses on the planning, implementation, and control of projects. Coverage will include project definition, time and cost management, conflict resolution and team processes, scheduling and lifecycle management. Computerized network models and project management software packages are included.

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • SCM 640 - Logistics and Transportation Management

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. MS SCM Standing only.
    Economic analysis of freight transportation, demand, and cost factors, market structures, public policy and regulation, social and environmental impacts. Introduction to the logistics and economics of goods movement via ocean, surface, air, and intermodal strategies.

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • SCM 657 - Seminar in Supply Chain Leadership

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Graduate Standing. MS SCM Standing only.
    This course emphasizes the interpersonal skills necessary for individuals in supply chain leadership positions. Group processes, situational factors, change management, and leading diverse individuals are discussed. Leadership self-assessment is included to aid understanding of one’s own leadership abilities.

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • SCM 699 - Capstone Project for Global Supply Chain Management

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: MS SCM majors only
    A Capstone Project for Global Supply Chain Management. Students will complete a term project that allows them to integrate their knowledge of Global Supply Chain Management. In addition to submitting a written paper, students are required to make an oral presentation of their analysis.

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • SCM 699A - Capstone Project for Global Supply Chain Management I

    (2 units)

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
    A Capstone Project that requires students to integrate knowledge and demonstrate technical skills.  Students will research a real company, collect data, conduct analysis, and offer improvement recommendations. An oral presentation is required. 

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • SCM 699B - Capstone Project for Global Supply Chain Management II

    (1 unit)

    Prerequisites: Graduate standing.
    A Capstone Project that requires students to integrate knowledge and demonstrate technical skills.  Students will research a real company, collect data, conduct analysis, and offer improvement recommendations. A written research project report and oral presentation is required. 


    Letter grade only (A-F).

Theatre Arts

  • THEA 103 - Text Analysis

    (3 units)

    Introduction to dramaturgy and its foundations. Essential tools for theatre artists including script analysis, production research and original text adaptation.

    Letter grade only (A-F) (3 hours lecture/activity).
  • THEA 110A - Theatre Arts Activity-Cast

    (1 unit)

    Prerequisite: Theatre pre-major, major, or minors only.
    Participation in acting projects; open to students cast in University-sponsored productions.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (60 hours minimum participation time or major crew assignment.)
  • THEA 110B - Theatre Arts Activity-Cast

    (1 unit)

    Prerequisite: Theatre pre-major, major, or minors only.
    Participation in acting projects; open to students cast in University-sponsored productions.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (60 hours minimum participation time or major crew assignment.)
  • THEA 111 - Theatre Arts Showcase

    (1 unit)

    Participation in weekly projects dealing with all aspects of Theatre Arts. Credit/No Credit grading only. May be repeated to a maximum of 8 units.

    Credit/No Credit grading only. (3 hours activity). May be repeated to a maximum of 8 units.
  • THEA 112 - Beginning Voice and Speech

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Theatre Arts Pre-Major or Major status or consent of instructor. 
    Fundamentals of voice and speech production for the theatre including breath support, resonance and articulation.  (CAN DRAM 6) 

    Letter grade only (A-F). (2 hours lecture, 2 hours activity).
  • THEA 113 - Introduction to Acting

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite/Corequisite: A GE Foundation course.

    Review of actors and acting, past and present; their work as artists; basic exercises in voice, diction, movement, and personality projection. Open only to non-Theatre Arts majors. Attendance at University sponsored productions required.

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • THEA 114A - Fundamentals of Acting

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Theatre Arts Pre-Major, Major, or Minor or consent of instructor.
    Development and preparation of the actor’s instrument: voice, body, imagination. Exercises in relaxation, sensory work, motivations and relationships. Individual study of textual problems for actors.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (2 hours lecture, 2 hours activity)
  • THEA 114B - Fundamentals of Acting

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: THEA 114A  with “C” or better.
    Development and preparation of the actor’s instrument: voice, body, imagination. Exercises in relaxation, sensory work, motivations and relationships. Individual study of textual problems for actors.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (6 hours lab)
  • THEA 116 - Fundamentals of Collaboration

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Theatre Arts Pre-major or Theatre Arts Major. 
    Introduction to ensemble work for the theatre. Students learn a range of techniques for collectively devising and staging original performances - as actor, director, designer and dramaturg. Students gain experience as self-generating artists who can work independently and collaboratively.

    Letter Grade Only (A-F). (2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab)
  • THEA 122 - Theatre for the 21st Century

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite/Corequisite: A GE Foundation course.

    Exploring live theatre in the context of emerging technologies.

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • THEA 140 - Theatre Arts Activity - Crew

    (1 unit)

    Prerequisite: Theatre pre-major, major, or minors only.
    Participation in technical play production projects; specific assignment determined through consultation with faculty or staff supervisors of Scenery, Lighting, Costume, Makeup, Sound, Tech Production, or Management areas.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (60 hours minimum participation time or major crew assignment) May be repeated for a maximum of 3 units.
  • THEA 141A - Orientation to Production Crafts

    (3 units)

    Corequisite: THEA 140  or THEA 340 .
    Introduction to the fundamentals of scenic and lighting design. Practical lab applications in the lighting and stagecraft shop using tools and materials safely as they apply to lighting and stage design.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab). Not open for credit to students who have taken THEA 142  or THEA 148 .
  • THEA 141B - Orientation to Production Crafts

    (3 units)

    Corequisite: THEA 140  or THEA 340 .
    Introduction to the fundamentals of costume design, costume craft and stage management. Examines the functions of these roles in relation to script, director, designers, and performers.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab). Not open for credit to students who have taken THEA 146  or THEA 271 .
  • THEA 142 - Elementary Stagecraft

    (3 units)

    Corequisite: None
    Introduction to the scope, history, tools, materials, and safe practices of stagecraft. Emphasizes the evolution of theatrical architecture, fundamentals of scenic design, scale and production drafting, materials, tools, safety, and principals of scenic construction.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (2 hours lecture, 2 hours lab).
  • THEA 146 - Costume Crafts

    (3 units)

    Corequisite: None
    Introduction to the costume design process for stage including basic figure drawing, character development, backstage costume care, and basic sewing skill development.

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • THEA 148 - Stage Lighting

    (3 units)

    Theory and practice of modern stage lighting; functions of light; design, layout; properties of various instruments.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (2 hours lecture, 3 hours lab). Not open for credit to students who have taken THEA 141A .
  • THEA 201 - Writing for the Theatre Arts

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: ENGL 100B  or GE Written Communication (Area A2).
    The study and application of rhetorical strategies of invention, arrangement, and style to write expository, analytic, and argumentative prose with special emphasis on particular features of writing in the Theatre Arts.

    Letter grade only (A-F).
  • THEA 210A - Theatre Arts Activity - Cast

    (1 unit)

    Prerequisite: Theatre pre-major, major, or minors only.
    Participation in acting projects; open to students cast in University-sponsored productions.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (60 hours minimum participation time or major crew assignment )
  • THEA 210B - Theatre Arts Activity - Cast

    (1 unit)

    Prerequisite: Theatre pre-major, major, or minors only.
    Participation in acting projects; open to students cast in University-sponsored productions.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (60 hours minimum participation time or major crew assignment )
  • THEA 212 - How the World Talks

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Completion of GE Foundation Requirements.
    Online practical study, exploring all the speech skills in human language (from the sounds of beat boxing to clicks) and exploring the spectrum of formal to informal speech choices in order to become more articulate and confident speakers in any context

    Letter grade only (A-F)
  • THEA 214 - Intermediate Acting

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites: THEA 112 , THEA 114A  and THEA 114B   with a grade of C or better.  Should be taken directly following THEA 114B .
    Introduction to scene study. Application of techniques of body, voice and imagination to dramatic texts thereby stimulating an acting process for role development.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (6 hours lab)
  • THEA 215 - Introduction to Audition Techniques

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite or Corequisite: THEA 114A .

    Introduction to fundamentals of auditioning for theatrical productions. For beginning actors. Focus on preparing and coaching monologues, dramatic sides and callbacks.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (6 hours lab)
  • THEA 220A - BFA Voice and Speech I

    (3 credits)

    Prerequisites: Acceptance into BFA degree or consent of instructor
    Exploration of vocal freedom, expressiveness and power. Anatomy and physiology of voice and speech mechanisms.

    Letter Grade only (A-F). Exploration of vocal freedom, expressiveness and power. Anatomy and physiology of voice and speech mechanisms. (3 hours lecture activity)
  • THEA 220B - BFA Voice and Speech I

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites: THEA 220A  or consent of instructor.
    Continued exploration of vocal freedom, expressiveness and power. Exploration of extensive vocal variety and expressiveness through text, with specificty in heightened states of emotion.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (3 hours lecture activity)
  • THEA 221 - History of Theatre and Drama to 1660

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: THEA 101   or THEA 103  
    Development of Theatre Arts from primitive origins to the 17th Century.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Not open for credit to students with credit in THEA 321.
  • THEA 222 - History of Theatre and Drama Since 1660

    (3 units)

    Prerequisites: THEA 101, THEA 103 , or consent of instructor.
    Development of Theatre Arts from 17th Century to present.

    Letter grade only (A-F). Not open for credit to students with credit on THEA 322.
  • THEA 230A - BFA Acting I

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the BFA Degree or consent of instructor.
    Foundation and development of individual and ensemble acting techniques necessary for the professional actor. Applicable and related to performance schedule.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (6 hours activity)
  • THEA 230B - BFA Acting I

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: THEA 230A  or consent of instructor.
    Continued development of individual and ensemble acting techniques necessary for the professional actor. Applicable and related to performance schedule.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (6 hours activity)
  • THEA 240 - Theatre Arts Activity - Crew

    (1 unit)

    Prerequisite: Theatre pre-major, major, or minors only.
    Participation in technical play production projects; specific assignment determined through consultation with faculty or staff supervisors of Scenery, Lighting, Costume, Makeup, Sound, Tech Production, or Management areas.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (60 hours minimum participation time or major crew assignment). May be repeated for a maximum of 3 units.
  • THEA 252 - Introductory Drafting

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite(s): THEA 142 or THEA 148 or consent of instructor.

    Introduction to basic digital 2D drafting as it relates to Entertainment and Theatrical design. Emphasis on the communication of design ideas and the creation of technical drawings and packages to depict scenic, production, and lighting designs.

    Letter Grade Only (A-F) (2 hours lecture lab) Not repeatable for credit

  • THEA 253 - Intermediate Drafting and Organic Modeling

    (3 units)


    Prerequisite(s): THEA 252 or consent of instructor.

    Introduction to basic digital 3D drafting and rendering as it relates to entertainment and theatrical design. The class will focus on organic modeling, 3D drafting techniques, light renderings, workflow and drafting standards, and presentation skills.

    Letter Grade Only (A-F) (2 hours lecture lab) Not repeatable for credit

  • THEA 262 - Beginning Movement for the Actor

    (3 units)

    Beginning movement training for the actor based on physical conditioning and non-verbal communication related to beginning acting process.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (2 hour Lecture, 2 hour activity).
  • THEA 266A - BFA Movement I

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Acceptance into the BFA Degree or consent of instructor.
    Introduction to various improvisation techniques to investigate the expressive state of the human body.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (2 hours lecture, 2 hours activity)
  • THEA 266B - BFA Movement I

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: THEA 266A  or consent of instructor.
    Improvisation techniques for the practical exploration of movement principles of weight, space, time, and energy and their application to the acting process.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (2 hours lecture, 2 hours activity)
  • THEA 271 - Stage Management

    (3 units)

    Management skills required for the professional stage manager. Examines responsibilities, and function of stage manager in relation to director, designer, and performer.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (2 hours lecture, 2 hours activity) Not open for credit to students who have taken THEA 141B .
  • THEA 290 - Selected Topics in Theatre Arts

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.
    Topic of current interest in Theatre Arts selected for intensive study.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (2 hours lecture, 2 hours activity). May be repeated to a maximum of 9 units with different topics in different semesters. Topics announced in the Schedule of Classes.
  • THEA 301 - Dramaturgy

    (3 units)


    Prerequisite(s): THEA 103.
    Advanced training in the tools of dramaturgy and the function of a dramaturg. Students learn how to apply research and analysis to theatrical scripts. An advanced exploration of dramatic structure and theatrical conventions are employed in the development of text adaptation.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (3 hours lecture/activity). Not repeatable for credit.

  • THEA 310A - Theatre Arts Activity - Cast

    (1 unit)

    Prerequisites: Theatre pre-major, major, or minors only. Exclude Freshmen.
    Participation in acting projects; open to students cast in University-sponsored productions.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (60 hours minimum participation time or major crew assignment)
  • THEA 310B - Theatre Arts Activity - Cast

    (1 unit)

    Prerequisites: Theatre pre-major, major, or minors only.  Exclude Freshmen.
    Participation in acting projects; open to students cast in University-sponsored productions.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (60 hours minimum participation time or major crew assignment)
  • THEA 311 - Theatre Arts Showcase

    (1 unit)

    Prerequisite: Upper Division Theatre Arts Major
    Active audience participation and advanced critical engagement in weekly theatre production projects incorporating all collaborative disciplines in Theatre Arts. 

    Both grading options. (1 hour lecture). Repeatable for up to 6 units.
  • THEA 312 - Applied Voice and Speech for the Actor

    (3 units)

    Prerequisite: THEA 112  with “B” or better, or consent of instructor.
    Further study of vocal techniques for theatre, including variety of quality, force, tempo and pitch, scansion, and imagery. Application of basics learned in THEA 112  to more complicated dramatic texts.

    Letter grade only (A-F). (2 hours lecture, 2 hours activity)

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